Reading Academically
This topic is about reading Academically. I already summarize from the article.
Reading for academic and research purposes is very different from leisure reading because it's not only read for understanding but also find the answer from them. That is very complicate. However, if you want to increase or improve reading skill, a system call "the QUASAR" is the one way will help you to improve reading skills and stands for:
Q Question
A Active
S Systems
A Analyse
A Analyse
R Reflect
"QUASAR" will help you improve reading skill for understanding not only memorization. these are very important for reading successfully.
At the same time, efficient to help you to be more efficient as an academic reader. by the way, There are 2 style reading when you getting information from text:
1. Skimming is a particular style of reading. it is way of gathering as much information as possible from text in the shortest time possible.
1. Skimming is a particular style of reading. it is way of gathering as much information as possible from text in the shortest time possible.
2. Scanning is another style of reading. this is the most useful when you are searching for something specific in the text-like a word of phrase.
However, some students become disheartened when they cannot understand a text on the book. this may be because you are still grappling at an early stage of understanding, both of new concepts and the new terminology. maybe that book at too high a level at this stage. so, you should begins with a text which gives you more help and briefer. that's maybe possible to increase your reading skill more and more. so that to being a critical reader. this is a highly reflective skill. try this for yourself. your skill reading will excellent!